Cost of buying a trampoline

How Much is a Trampoline?

Updated: 7/1/2023

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If you are a parent with kids who enjoy outdoor activities, chances are, purchasing a trampoline has crossed your mind a time or two. Whether the kids approached you, or other parents made the suggestion, trampolines are sure to keep your kids entertained.

Buying a trampoline is a serious, but rewarding investment, and there are a number of factors that can affect the overall cost. Here are a few things to consider before you follow through with your purchase: How much is a trampoline

  • What kind of trampoline are you looking to purchase? A full-sized, circular trampoline, or maybe a square trampoline for more gymnastics-type activities?
  • What type of safety and security features do you want the trampoline to include? Safety nets and other types of enclosures?
  • How important is the trampoline’s quality to you? Quality trampolines tend to be safer and last longer, keeping costs down in the long run.
  • Will you need to add additional accessories to the trampoline, so you can improve playtime? For example, a basketball hoop or tent?
  • What size of trampoline will work best for your family, backyard and needs?
  • Will you need to purchase additional insurance for your trampoline?

How Much is a Round or Square Trampoline?

If you are considering a traditional, outdoor circular trampoline, the typical size will be either 14 feet or 15 feet in diameter. These types of trampolines usually average $300-$400 in cost. Keep in mind, however, that this price only covers standard purchases on most occasions, not other protective equipment.

On the other hand, if you are leaning towards a square or rectangle trampoline, be prepared to spend a bit more.  While some of these trampolines are between $600-$800, the more typical cost from a specialty manufacturer (with enclosure included) is roughly $800-$1,200, with higher-end models exceeding $1,500.

Using Safety Factors to Determine How Much Your Trampoline Will Cost

The world of trampoline protection has grown significantly over the last decade. Most trampolines today come with some type of enclosure automatically. This is where trampolines begin to get a little more taxing on the wallet.

Trampolines in the 14 to 15-foot range (with enclosure included) average approximately $450-$800. Some of the higher-end models can even reach a whopping $1,500, depending on the size of your trampoline and the quality of its enclosure.

Maybe you already found a good deal and own a trampoline, but you just want to add a safety enclosure to the mix. The price for safety enclosures runs anywhere from $50-$110, but they usually cost $60-$70. If you just need to purchase the pad to cover the outside springs, these can run anywhere from $20-$75, but you should be able to find a quality pad for roughly $45.

Obviously, these prices will vary, depending on the quality and size of trampoline you go with. There are still other options available if you’re searching for more budget-friendly models. You can actually find kid trampoline models that are available for under $300. Some of these models are in the 8 to 13-foot range and include an enclosure to keep your kids safe.

Buying a trampoline is a big purchase for many people. Before you take this step, be sure to do your research and find the right model that meets you and your family’s needs.

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