Best trampoline size for your yard

How to Find the Best Trampoline Size for Your Yard

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If you’re getting an outdoor trampoline, chances are, you already have a specific size in mind. Knowing the size of your front or backyard can help you better determine which trampoline to go with. Like pieces of furniture within your home, a trampoline that’s too large can clutter your space, or worse, not fit at all.

10-foot trampolines tend to work better for smaller yards, while those 12 feet or larger, work better for bigger yards.

Here are some tips to help you along those lines.

Measure your play area…

Using a reel tape measure (best for larger areas), measure the length and breadth of the area where you want a square or rectangle trampoline to go. For round or hexagon trampolines, measure the diameter (across the center) instead.
The area should also be on level ground with extra space above the trampoline (approximately 24 feet above ground) to allow for bouncing. In addition, it should be free from obstructions, such as nearby trees growing overhead, fences and walls.

Measure the safe fall zone…

Add at least 6 feet to this measurement (giving you at least 3 feet on each side of the equipment), to cover the surrounding area where a child may fall.
Like the play area, this area should also be free from obstacles, such as walls, fences, sidewalks and electric wiring.

Determine who the trampoline is for…

Aim for a larger trampoline (12 feet or more) if you have older kids or plan to use it yourself. Larger trampolines also have a greater weight capacity if you want something that smaller kids can grow into.


Visualize how the trampoline will fit with your current layout, taste and style, then pick a size that works with all these elements. If you’re still unsure where to go next, we’ve put together a list of the top-rated kids trampolines to make the choice easier.

Read reviews of best kids’ trampolines

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